CBD Honey Sticks

CBD Honey Sticks – The Taste Of Wellness

The Hemp Facts
August 17, 2023

The CBD honey sticks combine “cannabidiol“, a chemical compound found in hemp, and honey-infused into the stick-form for ease of consumption.

CBD is a “non-psychoactive” natural medicine, which has been beneficial in health content, as it promotes mental health by relieving anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and insomnia.

Honey; a natural remedy for different health problems, and it’s been used in promoting health and for healing purposes for centuries.

CBD honey sticks; the taste of sweetness helps enhance the taste of your favorite treat just by adding it in.

What Is CBD?

Before letting you guys know more about CBD honey, stick it’s important to know about CBD. “CBD”, an abbreviation of cannabidiol, is a herbal drug used to make medicine. A huge amount of cannabidiol is extracted from cannabis plants. The well-known component of cannabis is THC Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol which is found in a small amount in CBD. The chemicals in the brain can get affected by CBD. But not in the way THC does. THC can cause you to get high, while CBD doesn’t. CBD is a prescribed medicine given to the patient by its doctor.

Making Of CBD Honey Sticks:

– The whole process of CBD HONEY STICKS making is considered with great care, a taste of purity for the wellness of mind and body.

– CBD honey sticks are the products made from the raw honey from Cooper’s honey, located in Missouri, which is pure local honey as it is extracted from the hives in Maidenhead, Bray, and Paley Street, Berkshire; no artificial flavouring or colouring. 

 – CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, which is a great source of it, and then filled combined with honey into edible sticks forms products, in a measured amount of one serving for a time.

– CBD and honey combined serves a natural source of multi-minerals and vitamins to our body without preservatives and additives, such as:

  • Vitamins A, C, and E, 
  • Magnesium
  • Proteins 
  • Flavonoids
  • B complex vitamins 
  • Essential fatty acids


  • CBD HONEY STICKS contains only 10mg of full-spectrum CBD, which is why it is easy to carry along with you to add sweetness to your meal anytime, anywhere.
  • As CBD honey sticks are being served in the form of edible products, this enhances its taste and attracts consumers, giving them the feelings of “easy to consume”.
  • As honey is loved to be used with a variety of food to enhance the taste, the CBD honey sticks serves in the same manner, the sticks can either be added to any drinks (a coffee or a tea) or over any meal such as French toast, banana pancakes, just to add sweetness into your treat. It can even be directly squeezed into the mouth or can be sucked out while working.


  • The amount of CBD, i.e. is 10mg, in each CBD honey stick provides essential nutrients to a body and help improve mental health as 

Healthy body + healthy mind= healthy human being

  • It won’t take you high, a non-psychoactive amount.
  • Its absorption times vary depending upon the type of body or whether they have eaten before the consumption or not.
  • Absorbs slowly into the bloodstream.
  • Helps by supporting cartilage, joint functions, and most importantly, it provides positive mental health.
  • Improves mood by relieving anxiety, depression, and stress.
  • Promotes relaxations 
  • Help maintain the immune system and cardiovascular function 
  • Improves sleep quality which leads to improved concentration 
  • It also helps in removing impurities from the body and making one feel light. 


THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component, has the potential to keep you high. The amount of THC used in each CBD HONEY STICKS is less than 0.3%.

WHY USE THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) IN CBD HONEY STICKS:

The amount of THC <0.3% is used in CBD HONEY STICKS only because its benefits helps in achieving wellness, the benefits which help along are:

  • It helps in treating insomnia and pain control
  • It helps treat anxiety


CBD honey sticks are being sold under the company named “CBD AMERICAN SHAMAN“, which ships their products to all 50 states of the USA. 

  • They sell honey sticks in 10 or 100 packs, serving per container.
  • They offer CBD HONEY at a reasonable price.
  • Their policy of a money-back guarantee is satisfactory for online purchasers. Even refunding of order is offered, if applied within 45 days of purchasing.
  • Refund at returning item which is purchased from a franchise is also offered by the company if applied within 30 days of purchase along with the proof and location. 


All states Laws differ from each other regarding the matter of CBD and THC usage levels. The HONEY STICKS contains <0.3% THC making these products non-psychoactive, that is why CBD, which is considered safe for use than THC in many countries, is also used in medicines in a measured amount. Knowing and considering the legality and rules and regulations in all states of buying CBD and THC, the company even offer lab-tested and guaranteed THC-free versions of Sticks for states where all levels of THC usage is prohibited by law.

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