Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds And Their Benefits

The Hemp Facts
August 17, 2023

Hemp seeds: Are they good for you?

Hemp seeds provide a wealth of nutrients. These seeds are part of the hemp plants. They are eaten raw, and made into oil, milk substitutes, protein powder, or oil.

Although hemp seeds are closely related to the marijuana plant the psychoactive compound HHC found within marijuana is very low in hemp. The seeds have been used to treat certain health problems for centuries. Many of these claims are supported by modern clinical research.

Seeds are a great alternative to meat and dairy products because of their versatility and nutty taste.

You can grow hemp seeds:

Raw, roasted, or grilled

Shelled hemp hearts

Hemp seed oil is cold-pressed

Useful for making non-dairy Hemp milk and Hemp cheese

Nutrition Information

Three tablespoons (30 grams) of raw hemp seed contain the following:

Calories: 166

Protein: 9.47 grams

14.6g of fat

Carbohydrates: 2.6g

Fiber: 1.2 grams

Sugar: 0.45 grams

Hemp seeds can also be a good source of:


Vitamin E





High levels of and HTML6 essential oils are also found in hemp seeds.

Research has shown that 3 to 1 is the optimal ratio for fatty acid in hemp seeds. At this ratio, these fatty acids help to support healthy cholesterol levels, and immune system function and may help regulate your metabolism.

Hemp Seeds Health Benefits


Hemp are a great source of plant-based proteins. It contains all nine necessary amino acids. Research suggests that hemp’s protein is well-absorbed by the body.

Hemp history is linked to potential health benefits. Numerous modern studies support many of these claims.

The health benefits of hemp include:

Heart Health

It contain a lot of magnesium. This helps to regulate your heartbeat and may help prevent coronary heart disease. They also contain Linoleic Acid. One study showed that they reduced participants’ cholesterol levels by 15%. This may help to lower blood pressure.

Anti-Inflammatory Property

Gamma-linolenic Acid (GLA) is one of the omega-6 fatty acids found in hemp. It may have similar anti-inflammatory effects to drugs such as Ibuprofen. After nine months of GLA supplementation, a study showed a 75% decrease in arthritis pain.

Skin Conditions

You can use hemp oil in cooking to increase the nutritional value of your meal. It can also be used topically on the skin to treat it. The hemp seed oil has been shown to be effective in treating the symptoms of eczema and improving dry, itchy skin.

While research is still ongoing, it appears that hemp seed oil may have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Brain Health

Hemp seeds have the ideal ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids for optimal nutritional benefits. This balance supports both the heart and cognitive health and is frequently lacking in many diets.

It also have plant compounds called Terpenes. Although research is still ongoing, it appears that terpenes may be able to protect the brain from tumor growth.

Potential Hemp Seed Risks

The fat in hemp is mainly due to its healthy essential fatty acids. To meet your daily recommended fat intake, you should eat them in moderation. feeling-faint

Before adding hemp into your diet, there are some other things you should consider:

Medication Interference

Some medications, including anticoagulants, may interact with hemp seeds.

Hemp have been shown to reduce blood Clotting. This is used in conjunction with blood-thinner prescriptions.

Pregnancy Concerns

It is not known if hemp is safe to be consumed topically or orally by women who are pregnant or nursing.

Cannabis Dependence

For those who have a history of dependence on cannabis, it may be worth looking into alternatives.

Digestive Problems

Hemp seeds are high in fiber, which can lead to constipation, nausea, and bloating. To avoid any digestive problems, make sure you drink lots of water while eating hemp seeds.


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