How to use CBD oil for erectile dysfunction

The Hemp Facts
July 20, 2022

how to use cbd oil for erectile dysfunction is a common sexual dysfunction that involves the inability to get or keep an erection satisfying enough for sex. There is no current research that demonstrates CBD, a natural (non-psychoactive) substance from the cannabis plant, may help treat ED, but it may help address anxiety, which can play a role in ED. Other treatments for ED, like oral medications and lifestyle modifications, can be helpful.

The phrase erectile dysfunction or ED is a hot topic, and many people are confused about what the condition actually entails and which remedies—if any—actually work. One popular, albeit controversial, treatment strategy involves using cannabidiol, aka CBD, a molecule found in hemp and marijuana that doesn’t make you feel high. Read on to learn whether CBD oil for erectile dysfunction works and how to use it.

What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Before diving into if and how CBD may impact ED, it’s important to understand erectile dysfunction. ED is a common type of male sexual dysfunction that involves the inability to get or keep an erection satisfying enough for sex.


Although ED does become more common in men as they age, it’s not considered a natural part of aging, and it can hurt a person’s confidence and sex life. In fact, ED can signify that something is wrong with a man’s health, like high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.


ED is a common sexual dysfunction—30 to 50 million men in the United States have ED. While it’s not always an indication of something serious, ED can sometimes signal other health problems like clogged blood vessels or nerve damage. That’s why it’s always essential to discuss ED with a doctor, even if sexual topics can be uncomfortable to talk about (Sooriyamoorthy, 2021).


What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural substance called a cannabinoid. It comes from the cannabis plant, which is part of the Cannabaceae family. CBD is one of two main cannabinoids; the other one is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis plants with higher levels of THC are classified as marijuana and are controlled substances (FDA, 2021). Cannabis plants with very low THC are classified as hemp. CBD can be found in both marijuana and hemp.


How does CBD work?

Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t appear to alter consciousness or cause a person to feel “high.” Currently, it is only FDA-approved to help treat seizure disorders. However, there is ongoing research into the potential benefits of CBD for anxiety, chronic pain, and other conditions. CBD may also have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, but these are still being studied (Meissner, 2021).


Scientists don’t yet fully understand how CBD works, but they suspect it affects certain brain chemicals. Cannabinoids like CBD work by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system affects the whole body and may play a role in pain, memory, movement, appetite, metabolism, and immune system function (Sheikh, 2021).

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