what are hemp seeds

6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

The Hemp Facts
August 17, 2023

Seeds of hemp are those from hemp Cannabis Sativa.

They’re the same plant species that produces cannabis (marijuana) but are a different type.

But, they only contain tiny quantities of THC The psychoactive chemical found in marijuana.

Hemp seeds are extremely nutritious and high in healthy proteins, fats and minerals.

Here are six hemp seeds’ health benefits which are confirmed by research.

1. Hemp Seeds Are Incredibly Nutritious

The technically a nut hemp seeds are nutritious. They have a mild nuanced flavor, and are frequently called hemp hearts.

Hemp seeds are packed with more than 30 percent fat. They are extraordinarily abundant in two crucial fatty acids: Linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).

They also contain gamma-linolenic acids, that has been associated with various health benefits.

Hemp seeds are an excellent protein source, since more than 25 percent of their total calories come from protein of high quality.

This is significantly higher than other similar foods such as flaxseeds and chia seeds where calories range from 16-18 percent protein.

They are a good food source for vitamin E as well as minerals, including potassium, phosphorus sodium, magnesium sulfur, calcium zinc, and iron.

Hemp seed can be eaten raw, cooked or even roasted. The oil extracted from hemp seeds is extremely healthy and has been utilized as a source of health food as well as a medicine China for more than 3,000 years.

2. Hemp Seeds May Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

The heart disease ranks as the leading cause of death across the globe.

It is interesting to note that eating hemp seeds could reduce the risk of heart disease.

The seeds are rich in of the amino acid, arginine that produces nitric oxygen in the body.

Nitric oxide (NIO) is gas-like molecules that make blood vessels relax and dilate which results in lower blood pressure as well as a decreased risk of developing heart disease.

In a study of over 13,000 individuals, the increase in consumption of arginine was associated with lower levels of C-reactive Protein (CRP) CRP, which is an indicator of inflammation. The high levels of CRP have been associated with heart disease.

The gamma-linolenic acids found in the hemp seeds been proven to reduce inflammation, which could reduce your risk of getting diseases like heart disease.

3. Hemp Seeds and Oil May Benefit Skin Disorders

Fat acids can alter immune reactions in your body.

Research suggests that the immune system of your body is dependent on the balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fats.

Hemp seeds are a great source of polyunsaturated as well as essential fatty acids. They are a good source of a 3:1 ratio between omega-6 to omega-3 which is thought to be in the ideal range.

Studies have demonstrated that the administration of hemp seeds oil those who suffer from eczema can boost blood levels of the essential fat acids.

The oil could also ease dry skin, reduce itching and decrease the requirement for medications for the skin.

4. Hemp Seeds Are a Great Source of Plant-Based Protein

Around 25% of the calories in are the protein component, which can be quite high.

By the weight of, they have the same amount of protein as lamb and beef. thirty grams hemp seed, which is around 2-3 tablespoons, yield around 11 grams of protein.

They are considered to be a complete protein source. This means they supply all necessary amino acids. Your body cannot make essential amino acids, and you must get them from food sources.

Sources of complete protein are extremely uncommon in the realm of plants since plants typically lack the amino acid Lysine. Quinoa is another example of a fully phyto-derived protein.

Hemp seeds are rich in of amino acids cysteine and methionine in addition to extremely high levels of arginine as well as glutamic acid.

The hemp protein’s digestibility is also extremely highit is superior to protein extracted from many nuts, grains and legumes.

5. Hemp Seeds May Reduce Symptoms of PMS and Menopause

Around 80 percent of women of reproductive age suffer from emotional or physical signs and symptoms that are caused by premenstrual disorder (PMS).

These symptoms could be due to sensitivity to the hormone prolactin.

Gamma-linolenic Acid (GLA) which is present within hemp seed, creates prostaglandin E1 that reduces the prolactin’s effects.

In a study of women suffering from PMS in which women with PMS were included, taking 1 grams of essential fatty acidswhich included 210 mg GLA daily led to a significant reduction in the severity of symptoms.

Studies have also shown Primrose Oil, high in GLA as well, can be very efficient in relieving symptoms for women who have had no success with other PMS treatments.

It reduced breast pain, the irritability, depression, tenderness and fluid retention that is associated with PMS.

Since are rich in GLA A number of studies have shown that they can help to reduce symptoms of menopausal women, too.

The precise process isn’t known However, the GLA found in can control hormone imbalances and inflammation that come menopausal menstrual cycles.

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